Do you have a BPM/CMS occasional opportunity?



  • Your customer asked you about a BPM solution but you don’t know exactly how to answer him?
  • You have a business opportunity but BPM/CMS isn’t your main business?
  • Would you like to benefit right now of an advantage opportunity through BPM?


This is the right page for you!

By registering an opportunity you’ll receive, in case of business, 5% of the support/licensing value of any sold product/service till 6 months after the opportunity registration on the website.

It’s just registering the opportunity and we’ll do the rest; initial contacts, demos, pilots, proposal and sale.


How does it work?

1) It is really simple, just fill in the form we present is this page and “Send”

2) You’ll receive a contact from iFlowBPM team, to validate the opportunity registration. In that contact we will discuss some information’s that both parts consider useful to increase the business opportunity.

3) Relax and obtain the 5% in case of business for us.


    My Data



    Contact name*

    Contact email*

    Contact phone*

    Potencial customer data



    Contact name*

    Contact email*

    Opportunity description


    Insert code above.

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