The iFlow Virtual FS provides a radical new way of navigating across several file systems.


The iFlow Virtual FS is not a file system, it is a high-level framework to unlock the full power of file system for businesses and consumers.


Browsing Files
Web browser
3rd Party Apps
Integrates with MS Active Directory
Integrated with 3rd Party AIM (Application Identity Management)
Transparent ACL validation
Multi-thread index engine
Performance is linear with number of files
Performance is linear with number of cores
Supports up to 1,000 files
Supports up to 10,000 files
Supports up to 1,000,000 files
Supports up to 1,000,000,000 files
1,000,000 files per 60 secs in a Virtual Machine with 8 cores(see performance for more details)
APIs (Application Program Interface)
Full documentation
Extensibility and Plug-Ins
Possible to create more ACL and AIM extensions
Integrate in 3rd party apps
iFlow Integration
iFlow allow browsing files through Virtual FS
iFlow Drive Integration
iFlow Drives sends and received files from Virtual FS
Price is flat. Does not grow with number of users, clients, applications or documents
Perpetual LicenseFREE19,99€ContactContact

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