
From paper to practice

The current interest in business processes comes from the need to organize operations and consolidate organizations to make them become more adaptable.

The business process management, the subject that addresses this area, is based on a set of tools called BPMS’s (Business Process Management Suites), these tools make it possible to address the business processes of an organization in order to provide the required agility. iFlow BPM emerged along the new IT advancements, this tool based on agile methodologies , answers to the organizations needs of agility and adaptability.

Currently we can categorize these BPM tools in two prevalent broad areas – modeling and execution.

The modeling tools help BPM professionals to survey business needs. Usually using well known standards (e.g.BPMN,EPC,BPEL) , these tools are used to model business processes. These models are normally used as a starting point to implement or update business processes implemented in enterprise systems. Also, there are tools that allow model simulation. The simulations are useful to analyze processes before they are implemented in a system. Due to the effort (financial) needed to update complex enterprise systems, the simulation capability is becoming a major requirement to the BPMS.

iFlow BPM fits the paradigm of execution tools. Besides modeling, these tools can run a model. The capability to run processes raises iFlow BPM to a new level different from those tools that are only capable of modeling. Not restricted only to the capability of representing business processes, iFlow BPM can interpret business processes, making them go from “paper“ to “practice“.

The capability to interpret coupled with a database platform represents added value for BPM professionals. Within the context of BPM there are sometimes established key performance indicators (KPI) to optimize the processes value, and to access information derived from the processes in order to support decision making. When these KPI’s raise in complexity and in the amount of information coming from these processes, then this kind of tools become essential. The technology applied to the business process management efforts makes them more efficient and effective.