
iFlow BPM Platform

 iFlow BPM is a solution developed for a fast workflow execution and edition, following the BPM methodology.

This innovative BPM platform works as open source licensing system and adapts itself to the most different companies and user’s needs, enables the integrations with diverse software, has null platform costs and allows a quick and easy flows design using BPMN language. IFlow BPM guarantees the development of processes without need of solid knowledge base of IT and BPMN.

The easiness of iFlow BPM utilization by users allows a reduction on flows and applications production time and a less burocratic process.

On the current economic context, iFlow BPM helps companies on bureaucracy elimination allowing an easy process of organizing files. In other hand, not using paper documents allows companies to reduce their costs. IFlow reduces excessive use of resources and contributes to a reduction of response times, the centralization of information will enable increased productivity and improved efficiency.


IFlow was designed to optimize and automate business processes, allowing an increasing of performance and business agility. IFlow BPM enables errors reduction and information loss by improving the tracking of tasks executed and run, causing and an increased control and efficiency.

iFlow has more and more features such as the advanced workflow engine, integration with Open LDAP, Active Directory, and document management systems, the design of integrated forms or link with external web services, among others.

With a range of “Ready-to-Run Solutions” available, iFlow BPM was designed to easily adapt to companies corporative needs allowing processes automation and optimization. As a complete and accessible platform for those who want to streamlining its business, the iFlow BPM is the right platform for those who want the best quality with low costs.